Copernic Space x Terraformers team up to bring people real ownership in space

The Web3 marketplace for space assets and investments will be providing unique access such as ownership on the Moon to the Terraformers NFT-based space community.

The Terraformers platform enables connecting an audience of space enthusiasts directly to space organizations, missions, and projects for unique interactions and engagement.

Copernic Space follows its mission of creating greater access to the space economy for everyone through mass scaling the access to space assets like on Spaceibles.

"Right now there are so many cool things going on in space but you probably have no idea about any of them," said Zach Zeurcher, Founder of Terraformers Space Adventures.

"That's because it's unrealistic to do so. It would be the equivalent of downloading an app for every social media influencer to keep up with their content vs downloading Tik Tok or YouTube and having everything you need here.

For example, what Mr. Beast is doing with his content is really cool, but if it weren't for YouTube creating a network effect around an audience for long-form videos and content creators producing those videos he would never have had the chance to gain an audience.

Likewise what Copernic Space is accomplishing is really cool, but there isn't a place to go see and interact with all the cool things happening in space. Terraformers Space Adventures solves that problem.
" For Copernic Space, this means directly reaching and engaging with their target audience.

"Topic of Space in general is very trendy these days, but trends come and go, and we are here for three generations already!'' said the CEO of Copernic Space, Grant Blaisdell.

Copernic Space is offering the first real asset that goes literally to the Moon, and thanks to blockchain technology it can be turned into NFTs, then fractionalized, and finally resold or upgraded, by everyday people.

"People don't realize that Space is within their reach and still believe that is reserved only for the chosen ones. Thanks to Terraformers we will be closer to all Space enthusiasts, who want to have influence on the new Space economy".

The new collaboration is a great chance to engage more people in Space issues. The value of the Space market is estimated at xxxxx billions of dollars. This is such a revolutionary change of the global economy, even hard to imagine, and we are here to make it as accessible as possible.

Both Copernic Space and Terraformers aim to focus on cross-chain interoperability, availability and accessibility of proposed outcomes. They both operate on the Space market for years now so merging their expertise and know-how is planned to succeed.
Learn more about cooperation with Cudos.
Learn more about cooperation with Polygon.
Learn more about cooperation with Sfera.
About Copernic Space
Copernic Space is building the economic infrastructure for space.
The Web3 platform for space assets and investments, Copernic Space enables space ventures to tokenize and offer their assets to the commercial market while empowering companies and individuals to have ownership in the space economy of tomorrow, today.
As we lead into the first Moon asset sales on our platform, we launched Spaceibles, the digital market for space creators and collectors.

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