How Web3 is Democratizing Space

June 28 / 2022
Most of us are by now familiar with Web3 as it relates to reality and virtual reality, but what is Web3 in space? Does the concept even make sense?

While it might seem like actual space travel is something for only the wealthiest among us, Web3 is on track to democratize space and make it accessible to everyone.

Key Takeaways

Web3 is the game changer of our times. Having snatched the power of data from big companies and handed it over to its rightful owners, there's still a long runway ahead for this new technology… and as elements of Web3 begin to interact with space, great things are about to happen.

Humans are going to feel more at home in space as space travel becomes more commonplace, and space commerce is only going to grow.
What is the Democratization of Space?
The boundless vacuum known as space contains everything beyond the earth's atmosphere… man-made satellites, the moon, the planets, our galaxy, and the universe beyond.

As the world progresses, technological advances have brought us closer to space. In the era of Web1, relations between mankind and space were few and far between. With the introduction of Web2 our technology improved, and various innovations began to bridge the gap.

Now, the static Web has given way to Web3, the Semantic Web. Although it's not yet in full play, what we've seen of Web3 so far has been impressive. Web3 has already brought about revolutionary changes via blockchain and crypto technology, and there's much more to come.— With regard to the footnote intended for use in the text, we found that some content needed to be included in the manuscript, but was less important than the main copy. Therefore, it is necessary that the master copy has a higher level of hierarchy.
Copernic Space presents the new status - space assets
Copernic Space presents the new status - space assets
Among these changes will be the democratization of space. It may sound strange and hard to believe, but it's already happening. With Web3 we're a step closer to being able to feel at home in outer space.

Through the magic of the metaverse we can reach for the sky without any limitations holding us back, and we can even live in outer space if we please. And with Web3 anyone can tokenize a spatial asset and own a part of space with ownership of a Space Asset NFT.

Diving deeper, you'll see that the ownership of space assets can lead to some very interesting possibilities for spatial trading. No, you might not be able to own land on Mars any time soon, but how would you like a share of a satellite, an asteroid, or a spacecraft?

With the transparency, scalability, and decentralization of Web3 these things will soon be within our grasp, and everyone will finally have access to space.

Impacts of the Web3 Democratization of Space.
In simple terms, the democratization of space by Web3 means gaining general accessibility to space. Opening a portal for humans to interact with space is an elimination of an age-old barrier, and breaking it is sure to have numerous impacts which we will explore.
  • Space Travel
    Space travel is never far from our minds in the 21st century, and with AI and Web3 technology there can be a virtual space metaverse that sustains an extension of humanity in the form of digital avatars. With VR devices you can not only travel the world but travel in space too.

  • Space Asset NFTs
    Space Asset NFTs aren't just possibilities, they're already in play. Copernic Space is enabling people to purchase tokenized space assets and gain ownership in space. Lunar Outpost is even offering ownership of payload space on a lunar rover, the first space asset allowing anyone to send an artifact to the moon.
  • Space Commerce/ Trade
    Tokenized space assets and NFTs are tradable just like the normal NFTs we know. One can buy space assets and then decide to resell them, and the trading can continue until a buyer decides to retain permanent ownership.

    Space commerce/trade can be viewed from many angles as even the payment for space travel or sending an item to space is a trade, and if you're familiar with the metaverse you'll realize that this aspect of Web3 might hold monetary power in space. For example, look at Decentraland or Snoopverse where individuals are buying plots.

    Soon there will be a full-fledged space real estate market in space, and you'll be able to buy stars, a portion of the moon, or whatever spatial element interests you.
  • Spatial Economy
    Since decentralization is a founding principle of Web3, the spatial economy will run on decentralized finance. The entire history of space transactions will be stored on the blockchain where it is unalterable, safeguarding trade and ownership of assets.

    The rise of crypto in space exploration via Web3 will be remarkable, and it's open to everyone because it's affordable. Exploring space with Web3 technology eliminates the middlemen, so the power lies in your hands.
We've explored some possibilities, but these are just for starters Imagine how much more exciting it will be when Web3 is fully realized.

Since its introduction a few years back Web3 only keeps getting better, so you'd be well-served to think big and see the bigger picture. Get on board now as an outer space land grab is fast approaching. As they say… if you snooze, you lose.
About Copernic Space
Copernic Space is building the economic infrastructure for space.
The Web3 platform for space assets and investments, Copernic Space enables space ventures to tokenize and offer their assets to the commercial market while empowering companies and individuals to have ownership in the space economy of tomorrow, today.
As we lead into the first Moon asset sales on our platform, we launched Spaceibles, the digital market for space creators and collectors.

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